Increasing awareness and initiating conversations about menstruation
Increasing awareness and initiating conversations about menstruation
Increasing awareness and initiating conversations about menstruation
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Millions of girls, women, and adolescents around the world experience menstruation. Menstruation is a natural biological process and a sign of reproductive health, however, in many countries, it remains a taboo subject and a red line not to be crossed. May 28 (7th of Khordad) is designated as "World Menstrual Hygiene Day" by the WASH UNITED organization based in Berlin, Germany. The day aims to educate about menstrual hygiene and understanding the menstrual cycle so that everyone can easily discuss the challenges faced by women, girls, and others with menstrual cycles. Managing menstruation involves meeting various needs such as following hygiene practices, access to clean water, and sanitation services.

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