Tips on using baby wet wipes
Tips on using baby wet wipes
Tips on using baby wet wipes
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Due to the importance of child health, choosing and using wet wipes always requires special sensitivity.
A healthy infant's skin has a natural pH level between 
4/7 and 6.
Fecal enzymes or improper diapers can increase this pH level and make the child more susceptible to skin rashes.
Telma Kids wet wipes with a pH-balancing lotion and natural extracts like aloe vera, chamomile, pot marigold, lavender, and dog rose return the skin to its natural and stimulating agents.
Telma Kids wet wipes are soft and moist alternatives that ensure thorough cleansing and give your beloved child's skin a more comfortable and refreshing feel.
Wet wipes are particularly useful for parents dealing with diaper changes and provide a quick and effective way to clean and protect sensitive skin. Wet wipes can also be used between children’s baths.

Children wet wipes can also be used for adults to maintain surface skin protection and personal hygiene effectively.
It is recommended not to use wet wipes for children under two to four weeks of age due to skin layering.

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